Comment puis-je en obtenir un?
L'évaluation de la trésorerie examine chaque point de contact avec la trésorerie et les mesures de sécurité en place pour protéger vos liquidités.

AST 7000 NT5 is an automatic cash in-cash out recycling unit. Designed to guarantee very high performances in counters with many cash transactions, AST 7000 NT5 ensures the security and reliability needed to project open branches, allowing at the same time to speed up cash processing operations.
The teller cash recycler handles the storage, safekeeping (the safe is available in 5 mm, UL291, CEN L, CEN III and CEN IV), and distribution of banknotes through one input pocket.
The unit is equipped with 8 recycling drums with a capacity up to 700 banknotes each; the magazines are conceived with a drum technology. Banknotes’ recognition is performed by CIMA’s sensor BV 5000 employing all the most advanced technologies: magnetic, infrared, fluorescence, ultraviolet, visible light.
It’s possible to have both the authenticity recognition function and the fitness feature; in both cases all solutions are compliant with the regulations of the main Central Banks (Euro currency included).
The very small size and innovative and pleasant look make the unit suitable for any bank environment. AST 7000 NT5 stores and withdraws banknotes at a speed of 7 and 6 banknotes per second respectively.
To allow an easy service the frame has been conceived in a way that it can be completely removed, so that maintenance can be done in a remote area without interrupting the teller’s normal operations.
AST 7000NT5
Deposit Speed - 7 banknotes / second
Withdrawal speed - 6 banknotes / second
Deposit capacity - Up to 500 banknotes
Storage method - 8 Rolled storage modules (RSM’s)
Total recycling capacity - Up to 4000 banknotes
Bill validator type - CIMA BV5000
Compliant with US Federal Reserve Standards - Multi-currency capable
Safe and security - 5 mm, UL 291 and CEN L, 40 mm (CEN III and CEN IV)
Weight - From 165kg (363.76lbs) to 480kg (1,058.22lbs) according to the safe configuration