How do I get one?
The cash assessment examines each cash touch point and the security measures in place to protect your cash assets.

Manual handling of banknotes and coins at the point of sale (POS) is inefficient, time consuming and presents a number of risks with regards to shrinkage, acceptance of counterfeit notes and coins, and limits the time your team members have to engage with your customers. Gemsys POS cash recyclers take the manual handling of cash out of the hands of your team members and automate the customer experience.
Width: 20.47” (520mm)
Depth: 26.53” (674mm)
Height: 28.14” (715mm)
Weight: approx. 165 lbs. (74.8kg)
Power: 110-120VAC 60Hz
Coin accept/dispense speed: 12 coins per second
Bill accept/dispense speed: 1.4 seconds per bill
Bill recycling: 3 RSM’s x 100-120 bills