Prior to the implementation of WebSafe, our managers were spending too much time on a daily basis counting and handling cash. Now with WebSafe, managers have more time to focus on other aspects of running our business. Our customers are now benefitting because the managers can provide better service to them as they are more involved and engaged in the business. The way WebSafe tracks deposits and controls cash is a great asset as well.
Mark Walters - McDonalds

We installed a coin and bill recycling machine that was recommended by Gemsys Money Handling Systems. The machine was recommended as a way for us to reduce the amount of time the cashiers and cash office staff handled money. In addition, we were striving to reduce cash balancing differences and implement tighter controls. The machine was configured to meet our requirements for dispensing cashier floats, as well as cashier end of shift deposits. Cashiers are now able to receive their start of day cash float themselves without supervisor intervention. At the end of their shift they simply make their deposit to the machine. Cash handling time has been reduced and cash variances have declined. The machine has performed as promised and I would recommend this solution for any business facing the same challenges we were facing.
Kevin Shay - Canadian Tire

Right from the start we identified some immediate benefits. In addition to the reduction in the amount of time it takes to process the cash, there is now end accountability for cash that wasn’t in place prior to Gemsys WebSafe.
The Gemsys WebSafe system has changed the way we process cash significantly. Prior to WebSafe cash handling was very labour intensive with a lot less control. We are somewhat lax in cash handling. Counting took 1 hour per shift. It now takes 15 minutes per shift and we have far better control over cash processing. Since the implementation of WebSafe we are saving, consistently, 2 hours per day. This represents a 65% reduction in time allowing our managers to manage the restaurant more efficiently.
Nathan Uszkalo - Mcdonalds

Understanding Your Cash Handling Challenges To Drive Efficiency And Profitability
At Gemsys we understand that technology alone will not solve a problem unless it is configured, implemented, and understood by all, in order to meet the unique challenges of each business situation.

Using the Gemsys Websafe system for the past 6 years has proven to be a very positive step for our business. The combination of the software, storefront and office equipment has not only made the process of daily cash reconciliation more efficient for our managers, it has been a huge factor in helping reduce cash shortages in our locations. Any questions or issues we may encounter have always been quickly addressed by tech support. Being able to customize your equipment needs based on your location sizes and volume has made it easy to install in all our locations. In all we have been very happy with our experience over the past 6 years, and are looking forward to working with the team at Gemsys for years to come.
Quinn Jacobs - Tim Hortons

WebSafe has simplified the process for the managers to count and roll the coin and do daily deposits to the point where it has reduced their time by two thirds. They are saving 2 hours in time a day.
The time saved is not in dollar value for me, it’s giving the managers a change to fulfill their other obligations which is taking care of the customers.
From the security side of it, not having bank notes come back into the office is a big plus. Bank notes can now go immediately into the safes at the point of sale; I can’t even put a value on what that means.
Rick Cooper - Tim Hortons